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The Peculiarity of Free Software

Two types of software have flourished in the market:
- proprietary software
- free software
  • Proprietary software is like a "car with its hood sealed".
    The hood could very well be transparent, but nonetheless this car can only be used,
    you can't study it, nor modify it, nor copy (produce) it for possibly reselling it.
    Its current monopolistic flavour is due to the unquestionable commercial ability of Microsoft.

  • Free software is like a "car whose hood you can open".
    This car, besides being used, can be studied, modified
    and reproduced (copied) to sell it.
    The success achieved by this software, tied to the philosophy of "free knowledge",
    is mainly due to the work of Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds.
Currently, most schools use proprietary software.
This fact shall not deceive us, as Microsoft itself acknowledges (Halloween)
the didactic superiority of free software, stating it can help developing creativity in people who use it.

There are many reasons to use Linux in didactics.
Let's discuss them.

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"Free Software Values for Didactics" -
Copyright © July 2003, Antonio Bernardi.
This document, or any part thereof, can be reproduced and distributed in any medium,
physical or electronic, provided this copyright notice and this license is preserved.